Seriously, this teddy bear ended up at the top all on its own! Too cute though for a 1-year-old's birthday party!

A silver anniversary party.

Holy Strawberries Batman! Yum, we had some delicious, and gigantic, strawberries to add to cakes layers this past weekend. Delicious!
A cute cake for a bridal shower.
Another 1-year-olds birthday, this time with a farm theme. I love making these little guys! The chickens are definitely my favorite! :)

This is a wedding cake/cupcakes from a few weeks ago. We dyed and crushed up rock candy to resemble crystals on top of the cupcakes... but my favorite part of these??

The cupcake wrappers. How AWESOME are these things! And so many kinds are available! It will up the cost per cupcake, but what a statement compared to a simple wrapper. We definitely need a few weeks notice to order these, but I love them!
A beach themed cake.
A funky fun gerber daisy cake for a 21st birthday!
A dessert buffet compared to a tradtional wedding cake. The fresh fruit is delicious!
Just a simply fun anniversary cake! Oh, and covered in chocolate ganache... completely sinful!
Funky, funky, funky.
Probably my favorite cake/photo over the past weeks. The natural lighting is awesome and the flowers on the cake just pull the whole thing together. I love it!
A special birthday party cake!
ohhh cornelli lace!
Everyone have a great week! - Sara :)